Posts tagged twin

“I contacted Hadley because my twins were waking each other all night and couldn’t share a room. We were exhausted. Throughout our work together, Hadley was always available and ready to help with questions. After two weeks, we’ve met our family sleep goals and the change has been incredible! The twins have positive sleep associations, they sleep through the night and are happy sharing a room with each other. Monumental changes! My husband and I can finally enjoy spend some time together at night and go to bed without worrying that we’ll have to wake up in the middle of the night to separate the twins. It’s been a revolution!”

Azi, mom of 10-month old twins

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“We resisted the idea of letting our twin daughters learn to self-soothe because we could not bear the idea of letting them cry. However, after 15 months without a full night’s sleep, we knew we did not have the energy nor the knowledge to navigate through of these challenges on our own.

Hadley was so professional, organized, and responsive that it gave us the confidence to go though with the sleep training. We were amazed at how fast the girls learned to fall asleep on their own. Now they fall asleep in their crib for naps and at bedtime and don’t need to be rocked or fed overnight. Looking back, I wish that I had spoken with Hadley from Day 1 to learn how to manage my babies’ sleep right away.”

Josephine, mom of 13-month old twins
New York City

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kristin chicago

“We were barely getting any sleep when we contacted Hadley. Sleep deprivation is no joke! In just one week, we’ve made huge progress towards our three goals: bedtime is a breeze, the boys have been self-soothing overnight better than I remember them doing in the past, and we’re working to push wake-ups back to a reasonable hour. I really appreciated how Hadley phrased feedback as positives to validate what we were doing right. I also really liked her straightforward way of talking about babies, kids and sleep. She’s funny! It really helps to keep your sense of humor when you’re sleep-deprived. I now feel like I have more control of my evenings and nights again and am not a total zombie anymore”

Kirsten, mom of 2-year old twins

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